I feel the same and have moved away from the forum too a lot lately. Its the healthiest thing to eventually move on from everything Watchtower. And I get tired of the same themes and questions getting rehashed over and over and over again (about once a fortnight we get a new thread on 'Are JW's a cult?' for example). The categories/subjects of discussion could be a lot better organised on here. I commend you and wish you all the best.
yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
Time to move on, my last post on JWN....
by JustHuman14 ini have been posting into the forum since 2001(my previous avatar was "justhuman" and when forum changed to net, i couldn't retrieve my old avatar so i had to use a similar one and log in again).
almost 15 years are gone.
made some friends here, including mr flipper and one that i really miss dearly is oompa.
Any Suggestions on what to say if elders ask why you stopped going in FS?
by BU2B ini was curious what might be some good things to say if i am questioned by the elduurs about my decline in fs.
anything too honest may get me a jc (although that would be for the best in the end..) the co visit is this week so they may be getting more agressive than usual.
yadda yadda 2
Just say you're feeling tired lately and are having a short break and will be back into it again soon. Then leave it at that. They will soon leave you alone.
More WT Propaganda: 10 Year Old Children Should Get Baptized!
by Oubliette ini just caught this in an upcoming study article which will be "studied" in the congregations the week of 11/18-24/13:.
he and his wife were elated when their eldest daughter, age ten, told them that she loved her parents, loved the brothers and sisters, and loved jehovah very much.
she said that she wanted to dedicate her life to jehovah and get baptized.
yadda yadda 2
berrygerry:I did a lot of research on youth baptism, having a df'd child.
If you search thoroughly, the older WT's acknowledge that NO ( not just no infants ) CHILDREN were baptized by first century Christians. The articles used expressions such as attaining age of reason and "when they grow up." The April 1, 2006 WT article actually sneaked it in, but no one seems to have picked up on it:
"Regarding first-century Christians, historian Augustus Neander states in his book General History of the Christian Religion and Church: “Baptism was administered at first only to adults, as men were accustomed to conceive baptism and faith as strictly connected.”
Great first post berrygerry and welcome to the Board!
Following on the same research theme, is someone, such as Blondie, able to please post on here any more quotes/research on the validity of infant/child baptism that the Watchtower has published? How does the Society justify this scripturally? Have they even tried?
The best explanation of Matthew 24 and 'This Generation', that I've read so far
by Island Man inhttp://meletivivlon.com/2014/04/02/this-generation-a-new-premise/.
yadda yadda 2
The best explanation is that when Jesus talked about this generation, he was referring to those physically alive with him who would see Jerusalem destroyed. And it did come true exactly as foretold.
This. No more, no less. There is not the slightest reason to believe he was referring to some secondary fulfillment millennia later.
My personal movie review: Darren Aronofsky's NOAH
by Terry innoah, my movie review.
you may have already judged this film and you've never seen it!
like many of its critics, you think you know what you're going to see and .
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The movie is great for helping prove the falsehood of the Old Testament.
Took my son (5 yrs) shooting for his first time.
by dazed but not confused ini went with my neighbor to an outdoor shooting range in the pawnee national grasslands in colorado.
its about 2 hours northeast of denver.
it was awesome.
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What is it with American's and their obsession with guns n bullets, as if it's a family hobby.
"Keep Seeking First the Contribution Box" - the REAL district convention program ;)
by processor in.
the real district convention program can be downloaded only here: http://www.svhelden.info/pdf/co-pgm14-e2.pdf.
yadda yadda 2
So funny. You're a legend.
2:10 Drama: ‘Not One Word Has Come True’ (Russell 1:2, Rutherford 2:1; Knorr 7:10; Franz 10:1)
Scriptural reason why only the anointed can partake?
by StephaneLaliberte inits weird, but im trying to find scriptures used by the wtbs to back the following assumption:.
*** w81 4/1 p. 12 celebrating the death of the greatest man ever on earth ***.
it is because the founder of the celebration set it up for observance by those with whom he made a covenant for the heavenly kingdom.. .
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In Revelation 7 notice that the 144,000 come FROM the 12 tribes - 12,000 from each tribe; so the 144k are a SUBSET of the 12 tribes.
So who are the 12 tribes then? Why, they are the great crowd! The great crowd is a way of describing the huge, combined population of the 12 tribes altogether, as a nation that comes out of the 'great tribulation' (just as the ancient Israelites were a great company that came out of the tribulation of crossing the parted red sea when escaping Egypt).
In ancient Israel there were 12 tribes out of which a subset priestly class came from, but altogether, they formed one huge great crowd!
They were all one nation under the old covenant.
All the great crowd today are likewise one spiritual national under the new covenant.
Scriptural reason why only the anointed can partake?
by StephaneLaliberte inits weird, but im trying to find scriptures used by the wtbs to back the following assumption:.
*** w81 4/1 p. 12 celebrating the death of the greatest man ever on earth ***.
it is because the founder of the celebration set it up for observance by those with whom he made a covenant for the heavenly kingdom.. .
yadda yadda 2
You're getting fooled by the word 'observance' in that statement. By 'observance' there they really mean 'partaking'. The use of the term 'observe' [the lord's evening meal] is usually reserved for those who merely watch and do not actually partake of the emblems, ie, the 'other sheep'. Of course, the WTS's creed is a totally unscriptural concept, anathema to scriptural Christianity. There is no such thing as a mere 'observer' who didn't partake of the emblems according to scripture, as you note. JW's are enthralled to Judge Rutherford's twisted doctrine instead of what the scriptures plainly teach, ie, that all genuine Christians are by necessity partakers of the emblems.
Will the Governing Body ever show a ' broken heart?'
by LogCon inpsalm 51:17 says, my sacrifice, o god, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, god, will not despise.. .
as the evidence mounts, and fingers are pointed at the governing body for their complicity in the 'child abuse cover ups' ,.
...will they ever get down on bended knee and show truly broken hearts?.
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Mind you, when Herbert Armstrong died and his Church splintered, the new leaders issued public apologies for all the past 'errors' taught by the Worldwide Church of God. But look where they are now, a fractured shambles. Dictators thrive on UNITY (UNIFORMITY) and they NEVER apologise!